Tracking parcels
Dear Customers!
For your convenience each parcel is assigned
an Identification Number, which allows you to track the delivery process.
Tracking a Package from the UK
After sending your package from the UK to the destination country, you would undoubtedly want to know where your package is and when it will be delivered.
To do this, you have the option to track your package on the delivery service or postal service website. The first step is to use the tracking number provided to you when you sent the package. The tracking number, necessary for tracking your package, can be found on the invoice, recipient label, and is also available in your personal account on the delivery service website. This unique number allows you to obtain information about the location and status of your package throughout the delivery process.
Usually, the status of the package begins updating within 3-5 days after being shipped from London. At the initial stage, you may see information that the package has been accepted by the delivery service and sent from the dispatch point. As your package moves along the route, the status will be periodically updated to reflect the latest milestones reached. To not miss status updates of your package, it is recommended to subscribe to notifications on the delivery service website.
Additionally, if you prefer a more convenient tracking method, you can use the personal account on our delivery service website. After logging into your account, you can find the "Orders" section where all your orders will be listed. By selecting the relevant order, you can obtain detailed information about the status and location of your package.
Thus, tracking your package from the UK to the destination country provides you with the opportunity to stay informed about its movements and know when it will be ready for receipt. This convenient monitoring tool will help you plan your time and await your package with confidence.
There are several popular websites where you can track packages:
The website provides access to a range of worldwide delivery services, including DHL, FedEx, UPS, KazPost, and many others.This website allows you to track packages from various delivery services worldwide. Simply enter the tracking number and receive information about the status and location of your package.This website enables tracking of packages from different delivery services worldwide. It also offers notification features and detailed delivery status information.If you are sending or receiving a package in Russia, the Russian Post website provides the ability to track packages within the country. Enter the tracking number on the website and receive information about the delivery status.This website allows tracking of packages from various delivery services worldwide.Provides tracking of packages sent through the Meest delivery service.This website supports multiple delivery services worldwide, including DHL, FedEx, UPS, EMS, and many others. You can track your package by entering the tracking number on the website.